Fred A. Anderson Elementary School Home

About Us

Welcome to Fred A. Anderson Elementary School!  The faculty and staff at Fred A. Anderson Elementary School recognize the importance of collaborating with home and community to improve student success. The partnership developed between school, home, and community will allow each student at Fred A. Anderson Elementary School to reach his or her full potential. We look forward to working with you! 

Our Vision & Mission

Mission Statement:
Partnering with family and community, Fred A. Anderson Elementary will ensure a safe, positive atmosphere while providing a responsive, high-quality education for all students. 
Vision Statement:
Our students will contribute responsibly to their community by developing their unique talents to their greatest potential in a diverse world. 

School News

Meeting Held 5-16-24

Bid info Session

Pamlico County Schools will be hosting a session on how to bid on the upcoming Pamlico County Schools 6-12 building.
Parent survey graphic

Parent Survey!

We appreciate the support of parents in helping gather information to help support the digital teaching and learning needs of our students and teachers. This information gained from the survey will be used to help target areas of need and ensure that all of our students have adequate access to devices and the internet to access learning. The information gathered will be kept private and confidential.